Thursday, May 21, 2020

United States Involvement in the Vietnam War - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 562 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/03/26 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Vietnam War Essay War Essay Did you like this example? The Vietnam War was created by Cath Senker, an experienced author who specializes in modern history. The origin of the book was created by Heinemann Library publications in 2012. It was written to inform readers about the United States involvement in the Vietnam war. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "United States Involvement in the Vietnam War" essay for you Create order The book is composed of chapters which are broken down into subtitles. Each section describes happened and it emphasizes what they were trying to show. Students are the intended audience for Senkers book because its easy enough to read and understand but has more than enough information to learn a lot about the Vietnam War. The content in this book establishes the connections between the Vietnam War and how the United States aided in the process. Learning about the Vietnam War through this book is useful because it demonstrates how much the U.S. contributed in the war. The value of the origin makes the circumstances unconditional because the author wrote the book about four decades after the event happened. During and after are two different perspectives because even if you study and study on the topic of the Vietnam War, it wont be the same as living during the war and having first-hand experience. One positive value is that Cath Senker keeps an open-mind dur to her writing about both sides and not choosing to be one sided. When this was created (2012), there was the presidential election, gay marriage, and Syria, with these events it still doesnt accurately reflect the Vietnam War. The limitations of the origin is that Senker studied modern history but didnt live through it which makes the book limited by experience. The consultant; Andrew Farrow, was able to verify the content because he studied several major conflicts including Vietnam. The limitations of the purpose is that even though it is to inform the book lacks how it affected the women and children. Gregory Feifer, The Great Gamble The Great Gamble by Gregory Feifer, who is a National Public Radios Moscow correspondent. Published by Ross Intellectual properties and created in 2009. The purpose of this book is to inform leaders how soldiers lived, how the Soviet and United States invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, and the relevance it is to modern time as well. The Great Gamble is broken down into large broad sections which are then divided into small sections to give greater detail of each topic. The content of the book involves real interviews given during the Soviet military mission in Afghanistan. The value of the content illustrates what people went through during the war in Afghanistan. It was created decades after it happened even though the thing in Afghanistan still had conflicts. The limitation of Feifers book is that he focuses mainly on the Soviet soldiers point of view on the war instead of focusing on both sides which includes the United States army. During this time in history, 2009, the United States diminishes the role in Iraq and all the soldiers withdrew from the cities, it accurately reflects how Afghanistan and Iraq had relevance at the time of publication of the book. The limitation of the origin is that Gregory Feifer wasnt a Soviet soldier at that time he is a Moscow correspondent, who is someone that will have contact with all things Russian. Interviews are first-hand which makes the book reliable because without the interviews The Great Gamble wouldnt be a primary source.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The French Revolution Of 1789 - 1191 Words

French Revolution in 1789 Introduction: King Louis XVI required cash. His money related crisis constrained the French ruler to reluctantly meet the Estates General with a specific end goal to require another land tax that would ideally settle his financial hardships. It had been basically 175 years since a last meeting of this deliberative body. That included delegates of almost three Estates: the First involved the ministry, the Second contained the nobility and also the Third involved the lower and middle classes. The Estates started their meeting at the Versailles on 5th of May, 1789 and immediately went into a force battle. The Third Estate soon proclaimed itself the National Assembly that was illustrative of the general population.†¦show more content†¦Political, monetary, and social conditions in France added to the discontent felt by numerous French individuals particularly those of the third estate. The thoughts of the scholarly people of the Enlightenment conveyed new perspectives to government and societ y. The American Revolution additionally affected the happening to the French Revolution. The Philosophers planted the seeds for the French Revolution. Their objectives were to uncover and annihilate the disparities of the old administration (old order). The political discontent of France was one of the reasons for the Revolution. In the seventeenth and eighteenth hundreds of years, France was ruled by an outright government. The ruler had all the political forces. Any individual who reprimanded the administration could be captured and put in jail without trial. Louis XVI was lord at the season of the French Revolution. He was keener on chasing than overseeing France. He and his Austrian ruler, Marie Antoinette, carried on with an extreme life at the Palace of Versailles. They didn t generally think about the condition of their nation. The initial two estates cooperated to outvote the huge third estate to keep them from turning into a risk to the force. Lord Acton, an Englishmen, states that the government being toppled wasn t the flash of the Revolution. He perceives the American Independence as the flash of the French Revolution. The

Motivation Problem Free Essays

On our assembly lines, we were trying to implement a new design that required radically new methods to assemble to the product. At the same time the operators were locked in negotiations with the management for a pay scale review. We had to come up with ways to get the operators to be motivated to start assembling the new designs. We will write a custom essay sample on Motivation Problem or any similar topic only for you Order Now In a vehicle assembly line, feedback you get from the operator Is extremely Important when it comes to usability of a product assembly process. Manufacturing engineers design the processes In their head (especially for products that are not yet physically available for use) and hence need the operators to start using the prototype machines and facilities and start coming out with constructive feedback that lists the Improvements that workers feel will make their life easier and the production quality and volume targets can be met. But when the worker Is disengaged due to other considerations on his mind, coming up with constructive criticisms Is very difficult. Actually, criticisms were shared of the new facilities and processes but they are shared in a very destructive manner. Here we have a management that is demanding that the workers change their currently comfortable work environment (at least the one which they are now used to) and take up completely new processes which may or may not be beneficial to them while being engaged in a pay dispute. Based on the findings about what drives people, usually when the money is off the table autonomy, master and purpose are the key factors. The traditional carrot and stick approach may have worked before where the work involved was highly mechanical as there was no thinking necessary due to years of practicing one type of process. But here the workers had to get used to a completely new process and they had to suggest improvements. Management has a target to limit the pay increase while still maintaining morale and motivation for the worker. They had to add incentives within the pay agreement that allowed them some flexibility in the rates while keeping the workers happy. Motivation Problem By makeover designs. In a vehicle assembly line, feedback you get from the operator is extremely important when it comes to usability of a product assembly process. Manufacturing engineers design the processes in their head (especially for products that are not yet that lists the improvements that workers feel will make their life easier and the production quality and volume targets can be met. But when the worker is criticisms is very difficult. Actually, criticisms were shared of the new facilities and How to cite Motivation Problem, Papers

Motivation Problem Free Essays

On our assembly lines, we were trying to implement a new design that required radically new methods to assemble to the product. At the same time the operators were locked in negotiations with the management for a pay scale review. We had to come up with ways to get the operators to be motivated to start assembling the new designs. We will write a custom essay sample on Motivation Problem or any similar topic only for you Order Now In a vehicle assembly line, feedback you get from the operator Is extremely Important when it comes to usability of a product assembly process. Manufacturing engineers design the processes In their head (especially for products that are not yet physically available for use) and hence need the operators to start using the prototype machines and facilities and start coming out with constructive feedback that lists the Improvements that workers feel will make their life easier and the production quality and volume targets can be met. But when the worker Is disengaged due to other considerations on his mind, coming up with constructive criticisms Is very difficult. Actually, criticisms were shared of the new facilities and processes but they are shared in a very destructive manner. Here we have a management that is demanding that the workers change their currently comfortable work environment (at least the one which they are now used to) and take up completely new processes which may or may not be beneficial to them while being engaged in a pay dispute. Based on the findings about what drives people, usually when the money is off the table autonomy, master and purpose are the key factors. The traditional carrot and stick approach may have worked before where the work involved was highly mechanical as there was no thinking necessary due to years of practicing one type of process. But here the workers had to get used to a completely new process and they had to suggest improvements. Management has a target to limit the pay increase while still maintaining morale and motivation for the worker. They had to add incentives within the pay agreement that allowed them some flexibility in the rates while keeping the workers happy. Motivation Problem By makeover designs. In a vehicle assembly line, feedback you get from the operator is extremely important when it comes to usability of a product assembly process. Manufacturing engineers design the processes in their head (especially for products that are not yet that lists the improvements that workers feel will make their life easier and the production quality and volume targets can be met. But when the worker is criticisms is very difficult. Actually, criticisms were shared of the new facilities and How to cite Motivation Problem, Papers